#1 Business software for agencies

QuoJob: High Administrative Enjoyment, Low Financial Penalty!
QuoJob takes care of all commercial, administrative and organisational management tasks within your project-oriented company. A few simple mouse clicks suffice to enter new data or orders: everything is neatly linked to the project in question.
This enables you to free up a great deal of time for what truly matters: brainstorming, creation and development.

Leading creative companies in Belgium use QuoJob.
QuoJob is the leading administrative business software package for advertising, design, communication, project and event agencies as well as web designers and companies specialised in graphic software.
The entire process is automated as much as possible, yet the user always remains in control. This enables you to work faster as well as more accurately and with more information than ever before. QuoJob is used in more than 1600 companies, and numerous people benefit from QuoJob on a daily basis.
"As CEO, I want to know every detail about my company. QuoJob provides me that insight."

QuoJob Cockpit
Spartan, transparent and extremely informative. These adjectives perfectly describe QuoJob’s new MyDay dashboard, with good reason renamed the 'Cockpit' of each QuoJob user. Diagrams, time registration tools and diverse overviews can be selected from a library and positioned on the page.
They provide real-time information tailored to the needs and wishes of the specific user. Shared pictures and a personal graphic desktop brighten up the screen even more. A chat box is provided both here and at job level. A way to communicate quickly and accurately.

"Time savings, a sense of calm in the organisation, a smaller risk of errors and consistent follow-up of the different customer files."
Greetje Demuelenaere - Zaakvoerder Comma

More time for creativity
Not everything always goes as planned in the creative sector. However, when deadlines, profitability and creativity are jeopardised by management or administration issues, we have a real problem. QuoJob centralises all data of your customers, suppliers, staff and projects. QuoJob enables you to draw up calculations and plans and to follow up on them through registration of working hours and activities. With QuoJob, you can manage the processes throughout your company.
QuoJob: a clear picture of the timing and budget for the CEO as well as for accountants, project managers and creative professionals at any given time. With significant cost and time savings.
From the first day of implementation, QuoJob functions as a fully-fledged professional CRM system, doing much more than just registering the name, address and place of residence. QuoJob CRM registers information in such detail as you desire (addresses, personal details, contact persons, email addresses, etc.) but never slows down your future ambitions.
Quotations and calculations
The stats are clear. For 90% of all orders, a quotation is calculated beforehand. It goes without saying that the calculation of a quotation needs to be accurate, simple and fast. And faster than QuoJob is impossible, always with respect for the corporate identity of your company
“Is there sufficient capacity?”, “What needs to be where and when?”, “What is the status of the tasks in progress?" The planning module enables you to check the capacity and availability of your employees (leave periods, appointments and other scheduled tasks) when starting a project.
Registration and postcalculation
The registered hours are visualised automatically and directly in the project. With a few mouse clicks you can create overview lists for internal use or a ‘blacked out’ time sheet for talks with customers.
Invoicing and financial monitoring
Sales invoices, purchase invoices, reminders and management of recurrent performances are centralised in one financial module so that you always have a correct overview. With this module, the Financial Export link ensures that all invoices are converted to your accounting package via our Financial Convertor.
Management and reporting
On-line, real-time reporting and dashboards ensure you have 'the single version of the truth'. Everyone has the same, correct figures at their disposal. Data can be accessed anywhere and anytime. This is where the QuoJob reporting module and LogiXML come into the picture with budget-friendly and scalable reporting and BI solutions.
User management
QuoJob provides the possibility to assign a personalised rights document to each user. With this option you cannot only allow or deny access to certain functions (e.g. admin, HR) but you can also hide certain menus from the user. This allows for peace in the organisation.
Drawing up media plans, managing possible providers and launching your campaigns at the right moments? That takes a great deal of time. The QuoJob reporting module monitors all placements and checks which placements have been invoiced and for which placements a purchase invoice has been received.
Order management
Structuring and monitoring tof active jobs is a big challenge. QuoJob ensures that the project structure can be changed continuously and that all project components can have a different status. This extremely powerful feature can group multiple deliverables in one project. This results in a large clarity.
QuoJob connects seamlessly with external mail servers, accounting software and other applications. Do you want a quick overview on your smartphone? No problem for QuoJob!