Project templates
People who used to calculate quotations with MS Excel or Word will probably have used templates. QuoJob Business Software allows you to keep this convenience. And goes even further… QuoJob enables you to use and recycle the basic components of calculations and/ or estimates at different levels and to further develop the project on the basis of this information. When an order is placed, the process can automatically be rolled out, starting from the start date or deadline, with all project steps and milestones being predefined with all parameters. Often only minor adjustments are required to further develop the new project.
Templates are also very helpful when calculating and drawing up quotations, two very intensive processes. At many agencies, ten standard quotations suffice to initiate 80% of your calculations. As a result, the time spent on calculating and drawing up quotations is reduced significantly. As if that were not enough, QuoJob also provides the master template function: the job template. This template does not only recycle the basic parameters of a job, but also the calculation, time schedule, technical description, employees assigned, etc. In other words, a full project can be defined with only two mouse clicks. Even the tree-like structure of a project with several underlying jobs is supported by this function
- Creating a project in 15 seconds
- Printing or mailing your project quotation to the customer with one click
- Initiating a project from a template which allows for minor adjustments
- No loss of time