Digital & large format
The stats are clear. For 90% of all orders, a quotation is calculated beforehand. It goes without saying that the calculation of a quotation needs to be accurate, simple and fast. And faster than MultiPress is impossible. The catalogues of the material suppliers are directly consulted upon calculation. Customer-specific prices are taken into account and any allowed departure (+ or -) from the base rates can be determined per customer. This way, all price agreements are automatically processed in your calculations and orders. The Large & Wide Format Calculation engine allows MultiPress to divide the specific sq m prices according to print-related parameters (set-up time, printing time, ink and materials). MultiPress makes use of a division based on materials as well as a division based on machines to calculate exactly how much time is needed for production for the desired print quality. This is the only way in which the planning, registration and post-calculation can be done automatically. When a PDF file is received, MultiPress is able to perform the calculation fully automatically. In case of modifications in print runs, variants, extras, speeds, margins, etc., one push on the button suffices to calculate the printed matter and to prepare the quotation letter for printing, mailing or forwarding. The imposition/layout is also represented graphically in a neatly arranged way, a must for a clear work file.
This module includes:
- Working with standard calculations
- Automatic calculation based on a PDF file
- Division of sq m prices according to print-related parameters (set-up time, printing time, ink and materials)
- Exact calculation of production time
- Calculation of variations (print run, materials, finish ...)
- Printing and/or mailing the quotation with one click
- Fully automatic calculation of area and perimeter via the large format finish module