Your print business audited.
No strings attached.

Precise analysis and in-depth insight
with the MAS Audit software




How do you decide about investments?

It is quite a challenge for managers of a graphic production company to keep up with progress and to make decisions in the range of automation technologies on offer. All too often they rely on assumptions, gut feeling and general recommendations, ...

But every company is unique in its approach. Which printing techniques you use, which products you offer, which type of customers you use, which business processes you apply: all these combinations ensure that you cannot rely on the approach of a competitor to work for your company.

Dataline combined more than 20 years of MIS/ERP expertise in an audit and needs analysis tool for the printing industry. Thanks to the MAS Audit Software you can base automation decisions and priorities on correct facts and figures!

MAS Audit software

Decide based on figures, not assumptions.

What exactly does a MAS Audit involve?

Your MultiPress Business Expert examines in detail how much time and money is involved in each step of your production process. He or she will ask the right questions and fully map out each workflow.

The MAS Audit software compares the situation in your company with data from over 20 years of expertise in the graphics sector. This way you get an overview of where you can achieve exact efficiency gains.

And there's more: we calculate exactly how much that gain will be!
Depending on the desired level of detail, a Mas Audit takes between 2 hours and two days.

What do I get out of a MAS Audit?

You will get a clear picture of the real cost of each current (sub)process and the possible optimizations. In addition, the workload of your employees is also analysed.

The MAS Audit Software calculates exact to a euro:

  • Which investments offer you the most return.
  • How long you can postpone certain investments.
  • Which processes you are currently profitable in and where your hidden costs are
  • How many FTEs you need to maximize your efficiency.

Moreover, Dataline offers you a result commitment with the MAS Audit software:

  • Your implementation process will be 95% sure to be achieved before the predetermined deadline.
  • You achieve at least 20% efficiency gains.


Is a MAS Audit something for my company?

The MAS Audit Software analyses optimization processes for the graphic industry:

  • small, medium, and large enterprises
  • 12 different production techniques
  • companies with mixed techniques (up to 8 departments simultaneously)

Request your free MAS Audit today

Why should you still rely on gut feeling or on recommendations without a well-founded basis?
Let common sense and numbers guide your decisions today!


I want the free MAS Audit


A free MAS Audit for your company?

Have your processes mapped out
and find out where you can achieve efficiency and profit.


Contact me


Getting started with the MAS Audit software?

The MAS Audit software is an independent software: it is not exclusively used by the MultiPress Business experts, a number of external consultants have also been certified to work with this open source platform.

Are you a consultant or manufacturer of graphic machines or software? Would you like to get started with this open source software
Request an information package, no strings attached.

Request an information package

How does it work?

Dataline CEO Dirk Deroo presented the MAS Audit software at the VIGC congress.
Discover the philosophy behind the software and experience the MAS Audit software in action.