

One way to reduce the printing costs is to combine jobs. Fed by Workflower's smart technology, the MultiPress combination module always provides the best solution to combine several orders on one printing sheet in no time.  The proposed division can be adjusted by means of 'drag & drop'.  A (provisional) printing order will be created to schedule the combination.  The combined price will then be divided between the different printing items based on the surface area occupied by these items. 

Gang-run puzzle

Combining several orders with several sizes and print runs to get the optimal imposition:

  • Based on numbers of units produced
  • Automatic split-up into several impositions based on the total production cost (paper, sheets, printing and cutting)
  • 10 to 15% cost reduction versus manual method


  • Cutting optimisations: cutting movements reduced by up to 15 per imposition
  • Optimisation in terms of packaging quantities
  • Free space is filled with billable excess quantities 


